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Our mission is to empower the Autistic, Neurodivergent, Chronically-ill, and Disabled communities through the principles of Disability Justice; to shift the narrative of disability through relationships, education, and advocacy; to disrupt systems that challenge access to employment, transportation, housing, mental health services, and food security; and to support self-determination and access, while cultivating belonging and joy.


We believe in listening to, centering, and amplifying Autistic and other Neurodivergent and Disabled voices. Lived experiences are valid, legitimate, positions of expertise.


We understand all identities are varied, multi-faceted, and intersectional. We believe in honoring the complex interweaving of identities and acknowledging systems of oppression.


We actively confront the misconceptions, stereotypes, and stigma associated with Autistic, Neurodivergent, and Disabled identities that grow from ableist roots, result in discrimination and exclusion, and impact the mental health of those who hold these identities.


We believe all beings are interdependent and that a person’s value is inherent in their existence, and not dependent upon measures of productivity, independence, and neuro-normative conformity.


We are committed to actively addressing racial and socioeconomic disparities in access to opportunities and outcomes.


Definición: Justicia de discapacidad

Definición elaborada en base a las notas del Colectivo Activista de la Discapacidad.

Editado 2014


10 principios de la justicia por discapacidad

por Patty Berne y Sins Invalid

Justicia para discapacitados: un borrador de trabajo

por Patty Berna

Currículo de justicia para discapacitados

compilado por el Proyecto LETS


10 Principios de la Justicia por Discapacidad, por Pattie Berne y Sins Invalid. Imagen de Sins Invalid.

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